Motaroma Diffuser and 3 aromas

  • Brand: Ajne
  • Product Code: DF10MO-BOX
  • Availability: In Stock

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Motaroma Boxed Set - Only $189

Get your choice of any 3 x 20ml aroma and your fav color of Motaroma diffuser in a swanky box!

The Motaroma is a high quality portable aroma diffuser for spaces up to 500 cubic feet. It's solid metal - not plastic - and it nebulizes our 100% natural diffuser oils into fragrant perfection. Every Ajne diffuser aroma is pollen-free, petro-chemical-free, chlorine-free, synthetic-free, anti-fungal, anti-microbial, anti-bacterial and even anti-viral. They purify and deodorize the air as they make it smell fab. But don't take our word for it, click below to check out hotels and celebs that selected our technology and aromas over all our competitors.

Click here to check out celebrities and hotels that selected Ajne diffusion. To see it in magazines click here.

Easy to use touch controls. Auto shut off in 1 - 3 hours. 3 power levels. Goes on and off to conserve aroma. Very inexpensive to use, yet very powerful. Near silent:  The noise level is 15 decibels - approximately the loudness of someone breathing deeply - so barely audible. It is silent between bursts. (by comparison, a normal conversation is 40 dB)

Motaroma uses nebulizing technology. It produces a completely dry scent burst that literally becomes scented air. The particles are +/- 1 micron in size. They never float to the floor or upon furniture to attract dirt and dust particles. The unit is intended for table top, auto or boat use. They are far superior to aerosol, atomizer or ultrasonic units. Consumer Reports tests revealed that every ultrasonic they tested emitted mold!

Why Ajne? We are natural diffusion experts. Ajne scents properties, businesses, hospitals - even aquariums. We began In 2005 when Four Seasons Hotels asked us to scent their crown jewel Maui property. They wanted the scent to capture the area's natural flora and they insisted the scent be 100% natural  Thus, we began to develop state-of-the-art oil diffusers and 100% natural diffuser oils. Check out our library of scents or develop one of your own.

5.5 inches tall x 2.5 inches wide. 3W - 12v DC. Scents up to 500 cubic feet. Loudness rating: 15 dB (the level of a quiet room) -1ml per hour consumption during bursts - 2 x 0.50 fl oz | 2 x 15ml

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